Social Holiness
20 Naked Pentecostals

Why Does God Allow Violence?

Another horrible occurance of workplace violence took place in Chicago -- and it got me wondering...are we really trying to help people understand why God allows suffering?
Workplace Violence.jpg

As those "who believe in God", shouldn't we at least try to help people understand why there is pain and suffering in this world, and that it's not because God is some sort of malevolent being that gets its kicks from huring people? Doesn't being the light of the world and the salt of the earth include challenges such as this one? Sure, there are times when we all just shake our heads, dumbfounded. But is that all we can do? Is that all we should do?


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i read this a few days ago, and had few thoughts about it.
i read it now, and i have many thoughts.
because we had a violent patient at work this week.
he tore up the furniture and threatened staff with harm.

the world is a different place when you don't feel safe anymore.

god isnt real get that in your head

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