Vacation: Surfing in Mammoth
The Eschatological Fear of Technology

Vacation: Surprized by Bears & Hikers Rare!

SecondBearThe day started out with our SECOND bear encounter -- another "teenage" bear, this time chased up a tree by a couple local dogs! The picture quality on the left may not be so great, but all this was quite the shock to my wife -- when the bear scrambled up that tree -- which was only 3 feet away from her as she was walking along the second-story walk-way at the condo complex we're staying at. Whew! How would you feel if a bear startled you like that, being as close to you as that? Well fortunately, I was there with camera in hand (and even captured a quick mpeg of it all)! Well, needless to say, it took awhile for her adrenaline levels to come down, but we were eventually ready to hit the road for our next adventure.

RainbowFalls1The Olivers then joined us for a spectacular hike in the Ansel Adams Wilderness -- this time to "Rainbow Falls" (pictured). What a beautiful day for hiking and... for discussing eschatology (Benjy and I thoroughly enjoyed "getting into it"). Sweet! The weather cooperated with us (afternoon thunderstorms are common in the Sierras this time of year), and after the hike we enjoyed a delicious lunch at the historic Reds Meadow Cafe.

AmyANDGeoffAnd it was right outside the cafe, where we met Amy and Geoff (that's them pictured with me on the left) -- an awesome couple who are hiking the ENTIRE Pacific Coast Trail (which I've mentioned in a previous post, and which runs from Mexico to Canada). They've been on the trail for about two months! They are certainly not your "ordinary" hikers -- it's very rare to meet people as ambitious and successful as Amy and Geoff. If you'd like, you can check out their website and trail journal by going here.


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wow. a bear!

i love your stories.

and that hiking couple is pretty amazing.

Yeah, it's been a pretty awesome vacation so far. And it was amazing getting to meet Amy and Geoff and discover how many of the same hiking trails and destinations we all have enjoyed -- but their accomplishments on the PCT outweigh anything that we've done.

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