What the Emerging Church Needs, pt. 2
July 27, 2004
As previously mentioned, I’ve hesitated in posting anything on this topic. I care deeply about the Church’s need to divest itself of its “modern” entrenchments, yet despite my own commitment and involvement within the Emerging Church (EC), in no way do I see myself as an expert in this endeavor. Rather, I see myself as someone on an expedition – a journey of exploration and discovery. I’m learning at least as much from others who are also on this expedition and are pointing things out to the rest of us, as I am from discovering things myself. My only purpose in pointing out what the emerging church needs, is in hope that others might benefit somehow from what I’m seeing, whether or not they end up agreeing. That said, I continue now with what, IMHO, the Emerging Church needs.
The Practice of Honest Deconstruction.
One of the traits of postmodernity is deconstruction. The endeavor to deconstruct philosophies, belief-systems, and institutions in order to reconstruct them seems to me a noble one.
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