McLaren Shines On Eve of Emergent Convention
Emergent '05 - Powell & Shults

Emergent '05 - A Different Beginning

Stevens_1After a round of "earlybird" seminars, that I heard were good, but which I chose to bypass this morning, Emergent '05 held an "Emergent Orientation" session for everyone, hosted by Doug Pagitt and Jeanne Stevens (no offense, Doug, but Jeanne was terrific -- which is saying quite a bit since this first corporate session was filled with announcements and explanations of how this year's event is being organized: General Sessions (everybody), Learning Communities (groups of about 120), Seminars (less than 100), Forums (6-12?), and Individual activities (e.g. Prayer Labyrinth).  After learning a cool new worship song that was just written for this week's event, Marko got up and encouraged everyone to feel free to attend everything or nothing -- there was no pressure to be at everything, "this is not like Jr. High Camp", he stressed.  And as you may have guessed, that fits me just fine.  As I look over the schedule, some seminars look great and so I plan on attending.  But other sessions strike me as a bit empty (I'm only speaking for myself here), and so... I plan on hangin' out and getting into some great conversations.


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