Emergent '05 - Grenz and McLaren
February 04, 2005
And in the Learning Community that I've been part of this week, our fourth and final session: Scripture.
Our theologian this time around was Stan Grenz, and our practitioner: Brian McLaren.
In a very unexpected but delightful way, these two men switched roles in a sort of way. After Brian gave us a brief overview of how scripture is handled differently by those from opposite ends of the theological spectrum (and lead us in some amazing ancient common prayers), Stan came up and told us two stories: his own personal story growing up, and then the story of Jesus in Mark 10:32-45.
Rather than lead us in a complicated and heated discussion on how our epistemologies affect the way we interpret and interface with scripture, Brian and Stan were "modeling" a relationally oriented hermeneutic, helping us to tie Stan's personal story about growing up with Jesus' story and interaction with James and John, with each of our own stories and the world we live in today.
Using our birth months as an easy way to pose four different questions to us, we were asked to respond to the following:
Winter people: what is this passage saying about you?
Spring people: what is this passage saying about our communities?
Summer people: what is this passage saying about foreign policy?
Fall people: what is this passage saying about the interpretation of scripture?
The responses and discussion they stimulated were very interesting. I admit, part of me wanted to be a little more intellectually stimulated, but you know what? I came away agreeing that this was probably a very effective way to communicate their heart and message to the 120 some people in attendance.
Oh! And thanks to Keith Seckel (a regular participant here at Paradoxology), here is Brian McLaren's PowerPoint from this morning (you're the MAN, Keith!):
Hi gang,
It should be noted that Brian didn't use all the slides from this ppt. He started with one of the first prayer slides, and in reviewing the entire ppt I think it maybe a bit of a work-in-progress -- the slides he didn't uses in some way match the ones he did, and in some ways they do not. So, if you have any questions about "What was this one slide about?" I suggest you eMail Brian directly! =O)
~ Keith
Posted by: Keith Seckel | February 05, 2005 at 10:32 AM
Keith, you're right about Brian not using all the sides. And echoing what I mentioned in this morning's post, Stan Grenz explained to me later that the prepared material used by both he and Brian varied from Learning Community to Learning Community. Interesting, huh?
Posted by: Chris | February 05, 2005 at 03:09 PM
Thanks for the PowerPoint file! I love the ancient prayers and plan to include them on my blog. :-)
Posted by: Bryan Sherwood | February 07, 2005 at 05:31 AM