Brueggemann Prayer: Easter Us
March 27, 2005
Benjy, my comrade in ministry, prayed the following prayer this morning during our Easter celebration. It was powerful. And it was one of the only times I've heard people break-out in applause at the end of a prayer.
Does it stir you as well?
Wow. Thats some powerful stuff. Thanks for sharing it.
Posted by: Danielle | March 27, 2005 at 08:34 PM
Thank you - DP, Benjy, Walter Brueggemann... That's Easter.
Posted by: Chris(tine) | March 27, 2005 at 11:01 PM
Thanks for sharing Brueggermann's Easter prayer. It is a worthy to be called a post-modern psalm -- and I will pray it in passionate fear and reverence.
Posted by: Lauren | March 28, 2005 at 02:07 PM
Posted by: tammy | March 29, 2005 at 04:47 AM