Don't Tell Me What I Should Believe!

Are We Too Sophisticated for Demons?

Demons1 While teaching through the Gospel of Mark, I've found it increasingly difficult to dismiss the significant role deliverance from demon posession/obsession plays in the in-breaking of God's kingdom.  Jesus drives out demons (1:34,39; 5:8; 7:29; 9:25), the disciples drive out demons (6:13), outsiders drive out demons (9:38), in fact, all who believe in Jesus will be driving out demons (16:17)!  But when was the last time that you or I drove out a demon? 

In our modern, enlightenment-influenced age, I fear we are quick to diagnose "troubled" people as having a host of psychological and/or neurological disorders, but slow (if at all) at attributing anything to demonic influences.  Why is that?  Is it because we are much more a man or woman of science than we care to admit? Is it because of unfortunate abuses we have witnessed in years past?  Is it because we're embarassed to believe in demonic activity anymore?  Or is it because we've become far too sophisticated for such primative notions as demons and the like?

That said, it's an uncomfortable thought -- minimizing, trivializing, or alegorizing the demonic encounters in the Gospels.  Am I alone in this, or have you found yourself thinking the same?


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R U a glutton for punishment or what? Wow man. Why can't you be a 5 minute drive away. Cali-damn-fornia. Sigh. And I live in Virginia. I have 3 thoughts about this.

Demons are real. Sometimes a person has a demon. Mental illness is real. Sometimes a person has a mental illness. Sometimes one is masquarading as the other.

Sometimes a person has both.

While at the Vineyard, I believe I saw folk who had a Mental Illness acting out 'as if' they were demonized... and I really don't think that they were. Cause they only 'manifested the demon' during services times or in kinship groups. hmm. too convenient.

Anywho, I don't think that demons are as active this side of the cross as before it. But I do believe that demon activity still exists.



"Anywho, I don't think that demons are as active this side of the cross as before it. But I do believe that demon activity still exists."

Would you attribute this to the "already/not-yet" aspect of God's kingdom?

"Cali-damn-fornia." Hmmm. Do we have more demons out here??? ;)

Yes, I believe that there are demons. Yes, I believe that demons are still around today. I also believe that sometimes mental illness is demons and sometimes it is mental illness.

And the last time I did anything like "drive a demon out" was when my family and I prayed over a part of the house that had people in it when people weren't there. My sisters would see someone running through that part of the house, jumping out the window, etc. (They were in their teens.) After we prayed, there were no more people there who didn't belong.

"Would you attribute this to the "already/not-yet" aspect of God's kingdom?

Yes. Specifically the fact that on the Cross Christ Triumphed once & for all over Death, Sin & the Devil.

"Cali-damn-fornia." Hmmm. Do we have more demons out here??? ;)"

This is just my frustration that alot of the folk I'd like to be 'church with' are on the opposite coast.



Suzi, I had a similar experience when in High School (not in my house, but in a hotel in Vienna). After my friends and I prayed, no more "appearances".

I know someone who is an authority on the topic that you will be able to ask personally in less than a month!

Benjy, you'll have to blog about that ahead of time and then leave a post here with a link to all the info!

I've got to go against the majority here. I see people using "demons" as excuses to avoid accepting responsibility for their own actions or to explain their acting in ways that they normally would not.

I don't totally discount demon activity, but I do believe that a lot of what people attribute to "demons" is wrapped up in the above activities. To blame everything on demons is, imvho, to give them too much power.

Bring on the matches. I already brought the wood.

I would like to suggest Michael W. Cuneo's American Exorcism : Expelling Demons in the Land of Plenty ( as an appropriate reading for the subject.

I echo mumcat except they are not excuses but psychological defense mechanisms of self. When those who are to blame cannot or will not bear it, a person sometimes flees into a realm where it can find demons to blame. They become manifestations of unspoken and unheard feelings. Feelings of anger that turn against self after being abused that nobody wants to hear about or deal with, especially if they originate in incest, child abuse and such.

mumcat said:

"'ve got to go against the majority here. I see people using "demons" as excuses to avoid accepting responsibility for their own actions or to explain their acting in ways that they normally would not.

To blame everything on demons is, imvho, to give them too much power.

Are you even reading the same blog as the rest of us? 2 of us speak of mental illness, I myself spoke of situations where the mentally ill may have been conditioned to act out as 'demonized'... however it would be very dangerous to come to the conclusion that demon's don't exist....

"...they are not excuses but psychological defense mechanisms of self."

Do you believe this is true in all cases, or would you concede the possibility of demonic activity in some instances?

I just ordered the book that was mentioned last week, before Chris even posted this.

We are hosting a special guest author and speaker who has a ton of experience in this area at the end of the month. We will try to record the session and make the mp3 available.

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