Are We Too Sophisticated for Persecution?
How Important is a Reputation?

God Visits Paradoxology!


Well... it finally happened.

God visited my blog!

You can catch all he had to say by clicking on the comment link (in the left column), or go to the final comment on this article.

Which, honestly, has me wondering...

Of all the topics we've discussed here over the years, why do you think God chose this one (The Spiritual Roots of American Arrogance) to comment on, and secondly, what exegetical method should I use to accurately interpret his words?

  • Redaction Criticism?
  • Social Criticism?
  • Narrative Criticism?
  • Reader-Response Criticism?
  • Deconstructive Criticism?
  • Feminist Criticism?
  • Other?

What are your thoughts on all this?  I'm all ears!

(by the way -- Happy Thanksgiving!)


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I think maybe you'll need some kind of divine inspiration to interpret this divine communication - his comment is about as ambiguous in the context of that post as many believe his more well-known "directly inspired" writings to be!

I'm a little concerned that God seems to be a little "behind the times" in how he reads blogs - is He just catching up on last December's discussions?

Happy Thanksgiving!!

"I'm a little concerned that God seems to be a little "behind the times" in how he reads blogs - is He just catching up on last December's discussions?"

Well, he is a busy God, you know. Besides, since he exists outside of time, last December and the next one are pretty much all the same aren't they? I imagine for his next revelation he will reveal himself by answering a post that hasn't been published yet.

Well, I'm puzzled here ... and when so, it has always served me well to take God's word with a grain of salt ... then I allow myself all my feelings. So, DP, how do you FEEL about God talking to you in this fashion?

what the cloudburst does it mean? It's clearly one of those where authorial intent would be good but as it's unavailable (?) I guess we're left with reader response [see first sentence!]. Can't make the others work on this fragment. I suspect that it is actually fragment and that what has come to us as "Be not deceived, I am not mocked, what you sow that will you reap!! I AM!!"
May in fact be;
"Be wary you are not deceived, I am not pleased that your thoughts are mocked, what you sow in tears that will you reap in joy!! I AM hugely supportive and will bless you with shedloads of consumer goodies!!"
Or something like that, I also wonder whether the Hebrew underlying 'deceived' is hithpi'el, it could make a difference.

LOL! Terrific feedback, everyone!

Blessings to you all!

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