"It's a Great Day to Get Saved"
June 20, 2006
Earlier this evening, there was a knock at my door. When I opened it, I was greeted by two 30-something adults in dress shirts and ties. No, they weren't Mormons. They were members of a local fundamentalist congregation who were out "seeing if they could get some people saved." This they explained to me while declaring, "It's a great day to get saved."
I think they were a little taken back by the line of questioning that followed. I began asking them about the relationships they had with their co-workers, neighbors, and family members. My daughter thought that I might have been just a little too confrontive, but hey! They were standing on MY front porch, weren't they?
Okay, okay. I admit it. I don't have much respect for those still doing door-to-door evangelism -- not in today's culture. But I'd like to be "open to reason", SO... if you believe that this is still a viable and effective method for sharing the gospel with people, I'd love to hear from you. AND... if you think otherwise, I'd enjoy hearing your thoughts as well.
Photo credit: Julie Monroe