Random Thoughts
September 28, 2006
Here are the things I've been thinking about over the past few days:
- Are you celebrating "World Communion Sunday" this weekend? And if so, how?
- How far should we go in emphasizing inter-generational ministry in our worship gatherings?
- Rather than "ditching" the name "Christian," let's start living as people-of-redemption, and earn back the reputation we've soiled (or even ruined) over the years. Let's reject our consumeristic urges to simply go out and acquire something new, so we can just start over. Let's be willing to do the hard work, the right work of redeeming our mistakes and showing the world what Christ-ians are supposed to look like.
- Within the United States, is anyone actually flying the "Christian flag" OVER (i.e. higher than) the "American flag"?
- What are people saying who have now watched the docu-film, "Jesus Camp"?
- My wife and I are still working at reducing our ecological footprint. I'm not hearing anything that would lead me to think that very many others are doing the same -- especially within The Church.
image credit: © Nicola Vernizzi, iStockphoto.com