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What Is A New Testament Church?

Christ_hugging_people After reading the following article this week, a dear friend emailed to me, asking me what I thought of it.  Since I couldn't resist answering this one, and especially in light of the subject matter, I thought it would be fun to share it with all of you here at Paradoxology, and invite you to respond to it as well:


What Is A New Testament Church?

Part 1.  The Old And New Testament Church

August 14, 2007
Ron and Karen Schwartz

There was an Old Testament Church just as there is a New Testament Church.  Much of the problem Christians face today comes from a misunderstanding of what structure and obligations belong to the Old Testament Church and what to the New Testament Church.  In general, Christians understand that they are no longer obligated to make blood sacrifices for their sin.  They clearly see this as Old Testament obsolescence, but other things are not as clear.  What about the Jewish feasts or abstaining from pork?  Christians tend to struggle with many of the sundry laws and ordinances.  Many Christians are not clear as to how the law applies to New Testament Christians.  The line of separation between the Old and New Testament is blurred with Christians observing many Old Testament practices.  It was a problem that was especially difficult for first century Christianity, and a struggled they never completely resolved.  Consequently, it is no wonder that Christians of today tend to embrace much of the Old Testament structure when it comes to the New Testament Church.

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