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Rocky Roads

Rocky_road_heinrich_volschenkMost of us prefer our paths in life to be relatively smooth and easy to travel. What life sometimes dishes out to us, however, is something far different.  Sometimes our road becomes rocky.

Rather than a beautiful, smooth trail, our path becomes uneven, unsteady, and unpredictable.  The rocks and boulders slow us down, trip us up, and morph our journey into a challenging, and even painful trek.

Over the past year-and-a-half, the road I've found myself on has been a rocky one. A number of deaths in the family has kept me in that funky "shock/grief/aftermath" mode without much of a break.   I gained back the 50+ lbs. that I had previously lost, and I quickly felt the debilitating effects.  The rocky road I found myself on became a challenge physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Unlike my personal life, my life at church has been an exciting time of growth.  Demanding in terms of both time and energy though, I found myself often feeling depleted.  There just wasn't enough emotional (or physical) energy left to pursue the hobbies and pastimes I had previously enjoyed.  THAT is why my blogging became nearly non-existent.

Over the past 18 months or so, I have discovered a fascinating truth -- that rocky roads are paradoxically beneficial.   I remember reading once that regularly walking on rocky and uneven surfaces is very good for one's back (something to do with the constant adjusting and subsequent strengthening of one's back muscles), and as a life-long hiker -- I've long known that rocky paths are equally good for strengthening one's ankles as they are a potential risk for spraining one's ankle's.

So what's the point in all this?  Simply that although the last year-and-a-half has been full of hardships and difficulties, God has strangely enabled me to see how they have already been a benefit to me. 

My perspective has already begun to change, and the benefits are being realized.  Physically, I've started loosing that weight I had gained back, and have dropped 2 waistline inches so far.  I'm eating better, exercising more, getting away for prayer more frequently, and feeling my emotional and spiritual reservoirs beginning to fill again.

There are still rocks and boulders on my path.  My mother-in-law, who has been fighting two forms of terminal cancer for several months, finally passed away early this morning.  Her painful journey over, she is finally at rest with Christ.

Something in my spirit tells me that this season of death and suffering that our family has been in has finally come to a close.  Yes, it's been hard.  But it hasn't left us empty-handed. Consistent with the ancient wisdom of the Apostle Paul,  God is redemptively bringing forth good out of these past months -- good that we are only beginning to see.

So then... if the road you are currently traveling has become rocky, take heart my friend.  Although He may seem to be unseen, God is at work -- both in your situation, and in you.

May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you
wherever he may send you.
May he guide you through the wilderness,
protect you through the storm.
May he bring you home rejoicing
at the wonders he has shown you.
May he bring you home rejoicing
once again into doors.
In the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

(morning prayer blessing, Celtic Daily Prayer)

Photo credit: © Heinrich Volschenk,