When Church Services Leave People Still Needing Church
October 22, 2008
During a recent conversation, friends were telling me about their journey back into the life of the Church, and of their experiences visiting various congregations. One of these experiences easily stood out from the others:
It was a Sunday morning, and after loading their kids into the car they drove out to one of the larger, and fairly well known churches in their town. Once inside they felt overwhelmed by the performance-oriented "praise band", the constant use of the "big screen", and rally-like "feel" of the entire service. As my friend put it, "I got out of there feeling like I needed to go to church!"
The point, of course, is that much of what is marketed and portrayed as "church" ends up being something less than that. And today's postmodern population is figuring that out.
Yes, my friend was raised in the church, and was exposed to worship styles both liturgical and contemporary. But like so many -- young adults in particular -- he finds solace and comfort and strength from participating in liturgical worship and especially appreciates the ancient-future blend that characterizes the worship gatherings where I serve.
We evangelicals in particular have done violence to many of the ancient traditions of our faith, handed down to us through the centuries. In their place, we have appealed to business and marketing models for doing church, and have used pop-psychology and political correctness as a measuring stick. And although many of us are probably sick and tired of hearing how the Church's effectiveness and witness has been compromised by consumerism, materialism, and radical individualism -- the story of my friend's experience is a painful reminder that we certainly have done violence to the Church, and to her reputation. How sad, that people would come desiring to worship God along with His people, only to leave feeling like what they just experienced wasn't even worship!
Have we slipped THAT far? Are we THAT blind? Are church leaders even open to the idea that we've got it wrong, or is it just easier to blame everything on consumer-oriented congregants?
Photo credit: © iStockphoto.com
This sums up the climate in our churches today. It starts with our denominational leadership. My denomination is the same as yours. All we hear from our leaders is the Maxwell, Willow Creek, Saddleback, North Pointe, Church growth, and Leadership models. I have been on my Conference for several years, and have never heard anything from our leaders about the eucharist, articulating our message of scriptural holiness, and not one meeting about worship. The churches with the praise band and rock and roll worship are idolized. While the churches who practice any sort of traditional or liturgical worship are considered the "bastard children" who just aren't relevant. I hate to sound harsh, but that's the way it is.
The pastors of the biggest churches are the only one's allowed to serve on boards, and the only one's allowed to preach at special events. The business model is worshipped. I have gotten so tired of all the church growth/leadership garbage that is being shoved down our throats.
No wonder people don't want to come to church.
Posted by: Paul | October 23, 2008 at 04:53 AM
Chris! I would submit people don't need 'church services' people need Church i.e. each other, the body life Sunday thru Saturday.. not just for the few hours on Sunday or Wednesday...
Posted by: Seraphim | October 23, 2008 at 12:25 PM
I'm hearing you, brother. And I feel bad for you -- that you're not being given the freedom and the resourcing to reconnect with our ancient/Anglican past as Wesleyans.
Here in Southern California, we Free Methodists experience a different reality. In fact, I encourage you read this article that I posted last year, and then I'd love to hear your response.
Posted by: Chris | October 23, 2008 at 12:47 PM
I would volley back by asserting that people need the Church in doing life together 24/7 AND in the corporate worship of the body gathered together. We need relationship AND ritual. We need to practice being the church gathered AND the church sent into the world.
Posted by: Chris | October 23, 2008 at 12:55 PM
I just had a meeting with a fellow pastor, and he told me that he is very disillusioned with the emphasis on what the megachurches are doing. We don't care what Willow Creek is doing. I could care less. Where has our emphasis on the sacraments gone? And I feel the people are noticing how we have veered off course.
Our denominational leadership worships the business model. And people are seeing that the Church has turned into nothing more than an irrelevant gathering place for the select few. While our world wastes away in sin.
I'm amused at the so called "relevant" churches. Ever notice the code words such as: "Lead Pastor", "relevant", "relational", "contemporary". Take away their topical messages and their rock and roll music, and they will leave and travel down the street to the next church that gives them what they want. So much for making disciples.
Posted by: Paul | October 25, 2008 at 05:55 AM
Maybe we all need to go back to worshiping in catacombs. The true believers will be there, regardless the cost. I have worshiped with believers who did so at the risk of imprisonment. I highly recommend that type of worship setting. It does put things into their proper perpective.
When you've had enough of the fluff and airy stuff - just simply worship in Spirit & truth. You can keep your orchestra. Give me Christ.
Posted by: Brother Theophilus | October 27, 2008 at 03:23 PM
My wife and I had this same conversation just yesterday about our church, which we have been members of for over two decades. I hate to sound desperate, but I fear that many evangelical churches have so disconnected from Christianity's rich past (music, traditions, etc.) that we are in danger of becoming totally irrelevant. God help us.
Posted by: Charlie | November 04, 2008 at 06:55 AM
Charlie -- I appreciate your comments, which make me wonder if more and more people are choosing to see the practice of Christianity as a "diversion" in their lives rather than a "solution"?
Posted by: Chris | November 04, 2008 at 08:02 AM
The Baby Boomers seem to be attacked to the Willow and Saddleback models, but those models are based on rebellion. Throw out all the old symbols (pulpits, communion tables, crosses, etc), and become "all things to all peoples". And now they are finding out that isn't attracting the other generations. People want symbols that remind them of the presence of God.
I was talking to an Episcopal priest the other day, and he told me that the younger people are the one's attracted to the liturgical worship. Seems to be just backwards from what is being shoved down our thoats.
Posted by: Paul | November 04, 2008 at 05:16 PM
yeap! the world ain't dumb! it livesd in darkness, but god has placed a desire for truth on ALL men ; He has poured HIs spirit out on ALL flesh.Thankfully!!
Posted by: tracy | December 06, 2008 at 05:47 AM