Review: Worship Seeking Understanding
One of Holy Week's Greatest Ironies

Communion on Ash Wednesday?

Ash cross Worship planning resources frequently include a Eucharist service (communion) as part of the Ash Wednesday liturgy/service.  This has been somewhat puzzling to me, and so I ask you:

For those of you observing or participating in Ash Wednesday services, do you normally include the Eucharist or Communion?  Why or why not?

Any feedback or insights on this topic would be most welcome.  Thanks!


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I'm Catholic, and in our faith tradition Mass is celebrated every day except Good Friday. I'm curious - why is Eucharist on Ash Wednesday puzzling to you?

Wayne, I think it's because I always associate the Eucharist with the centerpiece of Christian worship -- as it should be. And yet on certain days (like Good Friday), it seems appropriate to pull back from that some, although it's always "in view" (like how we don't count Sundays in the 40 days of Lent because Sunday is always "Resurrection Day". For reasons I'm honestly still trying to figure out, it seems as though our repentance and the imposition of ashes should be the centerpiece of an Ash Wednesday service rather than Eucharist. I welcome any thoughts or response you might have.
Blessings, -Chris

I will be searching for a church that offers communion on Ash Wednesday, even if it does not offer ashes. I'd prefer both.

I'm late joining the conversation, but have actually chosen to remove the Eucharist (normally a weekly experience) from our worship through Lent. This is to at least symbolically (and some would say on other levels, too) participate with Jesus in his forty days of sacrifice in the desert. Liturgically, this loses traction when one remembers that Sundays, our day of worship, are not officially included in the days of Lent. However, we have found it thus far to be a significant part of our journey, one which increases our awareness of loss, sorrow, penitence, and sacrifice.


I used to not include eucharist on Ash Wednesday but have the last two years included it. This year we went right from the imposition to receiving the bread & cup. I too wondered about if it was an important part of Ash Wednesday or if it enhanced it. Here's my thoughts today... I believe it enhances Ash Wednesday and makes our mortality and sinfulness more present. Receiving Christ as our food as a confirming, sealing act of the imposition. That's my first thoughts anyway to your question. I'm glad you wonder about such things... its encouraging that others in the Methodist tradition are seeking a fuller liturgical/sacramental practice and theology.

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